Why It’s Important to Cover Non-iconic Species

Wild orchids in Sumatran rainforest. Image credit: KOMPAS/Irma Tambunan

SISJ-Biodiversity Year 2022 has finally started!

Do you know that several of Indonesian floral species are associated with warding off evil spirits and even help to smother delivering process of a baby?

Also, have you heard about flocks of bird transiting their tired wings in the Sembilang National Park in Lampung after thousand of miles flying direct from Siberia?

The tidbits of the endemic flora and fauna of Indonesia are as quirky as they are important to understand the context behind the archipelago's biodiversity.

The SISJ-EJN webinar on non-iconic Indonesian biodiversity presented these for a straight three hours, Saturday March 5th 2022.

The subject was chosen to highlight the plights the species are currently facing from climate change, humans' exploitation and loss of habitat to the audience of more than 111 Indonesian journalists.

Renowned speakers on the field, i.e. Prof Jatna Supriatna (Indonesia's most prominent species scientist today) and Arifin Suryadwipa an emerging Indonesian plant specialist, framed their presentation with care and as a result, garnered a lot of responses and questions from participants.

A practical guide to put biodiversity stories to life was also conducted by seasoned journalist Brigitta Isworo.

Both knowledge of biodiversity and practical skill in narrative writing are deemed essential to help journalists bring their stories closer to the audience. Especially when biodiversity is considered to be highly underreported subject within the Indonesian media.

In the webinar, the SISJ-EJN has also announced the admission of Fellowship for non-iconic Indonesian biodiversity facing extinction. Up to 10 fellows are sought to be mentored by senior journalists and funded with reporting cost. Upon completion of fellowship, the final SISJ-EJN webinar will be conducted on biodiversity photography through the use of smartphones.


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